A Note about Bias

TLR strives to report the news thoroughly, fairly, accurately, and impartially.

Amid the ongoing debate about objectivity in journalism, it is important to recognize that all reporters, however well intentioned, bring bias to their reporting. Journalists, after all, are human too, and they live, work, and play in the communities they cover, so it’s inevitable that they’ll have their own opinions. A good journalist, however, should be able to check their opinions at the door and write impartially not just about things with which they disagree, but also about the things with which they agree as well.

A good journalist should be sensitive when covering stories about which they do not have direct lived experiences from which to draw empathy, such as (in my case) racial discrimination and economic disparity. It is important in such stories to ensure that the dominant narrative is not treated as a received truth, and to center marginalized voices.

While I am not not registered with a political party, my own personal politics are, in the words of the legendary reporter Homer Bigart, “somewhere left of center.” That being said, I do not intend for TLR’s coverage to exhibit that slant. My personal political views are just that — personal.

I think it’s also important to point out that TLR’s emphasis on thorough, fair, accurate, and impartial reporting does not mean reporting without passion. I care about what I write — in no small part because, like you, I live here. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be producing TLR on my own time and on my own dime.

If you believe that a story on TLR conveys a political, racial, economic, or other bias that affects its fairness, accuracy, or impartiality, please reach out to me at paul@lagassereport.com or via social media at the links to the right. I want to hear from you. In this time when journalism is under attack from both the left and the right for purveying “fake news,” it is more important than ever that Charles County residents have confidence and trust in their local news.