Category: Stewart et al. v Commissioners

State Court Hears Oral Arguments in Coates Appeal

Just over a year after a circuit court judge upheld a decision by the Board of Charles County Commissioners to bar District 2 Commissioner Thomasina Coates (D) from voting on the employment contract of the current county administrator, attorneys for both sides returned to court last week to argue whether

Appellate Court Admits Circuit Court Judge’s Notes Under Seal

The Appellate Court of Maryland approved a request by the attorneys representing District 2 Commissioner Thomasina Coates (D) to allow into evidence notes prepared by the judge in the circuit court case as part of his ruling against Coates last September, but ordered that the notes remain sealed to all

Briefs Filed in Appeal of Circuit Court Injunction (Part 1)

This story is the first of two parts. Part 2 will be published soon. As TLR recently reported on Facebook, the Appellate Court of Maryland has agreed to hear oral arguments in the appeal filed in October 2023 by District 2 Commissioner Thomasina Coates (D) seeking to overturn the circuit

Ethics Commission Says Coates Should Not Participate in Votes Related to Paying Her Legal Expenses in Appeals

The Charles County Ethics Commission on Wednesday issued an advisory opinion recommending that District 2 Commissioner Thomasina Coates (D) should recuse herself from voting on whether the county should pay for her legal expenses related to her appeals of last September’s circuit court ruling. The opinion, the commission’s first in

Court Grants Injunction Restraining Commissioner from Voting on County Administrator’s Employment

District 2 Commissioner Thomasina Coates (D) has been permanently barred from voting on the employment contract of the current county administrator following a circuit court order issued Thursday afternoon. In granting the request by District 3 Commissioner Amanda M. Stewart (D) and District 1 Commissioner Gilbert Bowling III (D) for